That Biz Markie song from the Heineken commercial. You all know the one. The drunk folks are all getting a ride home with some stranger, and the entire crowd is yelling "Yoooou, You got what I need but you say he's just a friend. You say he's just a friend, ooooohhhh baby...". Yeah, that song got played last night at Corey's house party. Everyone present (including myself, of course) was yelling along to that chorus. Even after the song finished, everyone one kept it going. It was both amazing and absurd. That about sums up last night for me.
I left early to wake up early to do a photo shoot for some friends. During that party the night before, I set my alarm, which in retrospect was a bad idea. I apparently set my alarm to PM instead of AM. So I awoke in the morning to a phone call from Johnny telling me that they were outside of my house ready to pick me up. Ugh, what a rough way to start the day. But the day ended well since we went to the Museum of Science and Industry. I haven't been there in what seems to an eternity, and good times were had. I am not much of a drug user... and by that I mean I seriously don't dick around with anything, but I wish I was on acid or something, as everything at that place is just meant to blow your mind, and it did. But I feel as if all of that crazy shit would be easier to take while under the influence.
Tonight, Corey had more people over for Dude Fest '09 day two. I enjoyed myself. Played some pool. We real cool. We Jazz June. We die soon. Poetry reference there... anyone? No? Ok. Never mind then.
The Chanooka Weekly called me the other day. I answered my cell phone to a call that went like this: (note: since I just woke up and the phone connection was shitty, this was all that I heard, the ' ...... ' signifies moments where I couldn't understand, but I didn't ask to be repeated ) "Hi Ryan, this is R.... with the .......... weekly, the photographer position is still open, if you'd want it". Me: " Oh yeah, great, um yeah, of course I want it". I thought it was my great break into getting a staff job at one of papers I have applied for, but sadly was not the case, as I soon realized. Randy: "Ok, great, well we need someone to shoot the events that take place in the Minooka and Channahon area. So since I am no where near the area, just shoot whatever is going on, and we will pay you ........ per image printed". I still don't know what number he said there, but I think he might of said 5 dollars... (!), which I hope is not what he said. That would just be outrageous. But Yeah, once I wake up tomorrow I am going to shoot something for them. Even if I am seriously not going to be paid anything for them, I will atleast have no reason to be so lazy.
Throughout the day today, as I drove in my car, I only listened to the song "Good Weekend" by the band Art Brut. Sometime soon I hope to be singing a few lines from that song and seriously mean them. Perhaps we will see?
My blog posts are always so random, but whatever. Deal with it. No picture now, but perhaps one later?